7 Month old Shelby June |
Hey Sweet Shelby,
You are 7 months old and so very busy! Oh my goodness what a fun age this is. You are so silly. You love to laugh and smile and giggle- especially at your daddy. I love to watch you play by yourself. You talk to your toys and oh how I wish I knew what you were saying to them. Here's what's been going on this month:
- You rolled from front to back
- You sit up and play all by yourself
- You rock back and forth on your hands and knees like you are going to crawl
- You roll all over the room to get where you want to go
- You LOVE sweet potatoes -from the very first bite!
- You have eaten: zuchini, blueberries, apples, bananas, squash, potatoes, banana yogurt, peaches and oatmeal
- You got your first cold- awful.
- Your cousins James and Joshua were born! We went down to Mobile to meet them
- We were worried your weight was too small- you weigh 14lbs and are in the 7th percentile
- You make "ba", "ma", and "da" noises
- You love to suck on your bottom lip
- Still no teeth, but you're still teething