Woo hoo we did it! Lauren and I ran our second half marathon this past weekend. Zac had a wrestling tournament so he couldn't make it. Then, we decided it was too cold for Matt, mom and dad to come stand out there for 2 hours so just she and I headed down town for the race. The only down side was we did not have personal photographers this time!

Before the race. Waiting for our corral to start. Thank you, iPhone for the pics!

And after... official time 2:15:13 (2:15:12 for Lauren). We were quite proud considering we shaved 17 minutes off our finish time from the Little Rock Half last year. Ok... so I must have lost my mind because we ARE going to run the Little Rock Marathon this year! Oh. My. Word. I am so intimidated by it, but I know it will be awesome. It is a great time of year to train since Matt will be in the throws of tax season and it's cold outside. I love a good cold temp to run! Unless there is an injury or an unforeseen circumstance, we will be running 26.2 miles March 6!

Here is baby girl helping daddy drive home. Love that sweet angel.
And she poked up to say "hey" to mommy too.
Pass the Alieve,