Happy New Year! I am so excited for 2010 to be here. Being in an even year just feels so much better than an odd year to me. I don't know why. More orderly I guess.
We had two fabulous Christmas celebrations this year! I have been on call the last 2 years and We have not been able to travel. So, this year, just like we did Thanksgiving, we went both places. We loaded up the dogs (in one kennel and Bear ALMOST killed Midas) and all of our presents for both families and made our way to Paragould the 23rd. We had a great time there. Of course, the rain was not very fun with the dogs and their one kennel and we got to dry off their feet each time they came in the house. Also, to make matters worse, we put their leashes on to go outside and potty when we get there and Midas chewed through his. That is the second time he has done that! The little stinker. We got some flannel sheets that we have loved using because our bedroom is the coldest bedroom on the planet. However, it is helpful that our dogs sleep with us and keep us warm. I think if it was warmer, we may be hot so it all balances out. I also got a Hobby Lobby gift card to get some things framed that I have been putting off because I didn't want to spend any money on it. I am taking one picture as soon as I finish this blog! They are drawings that my great grandmother did in chalk pastels. We also both got several devotional books. We had a TON of food of course and we both felt sick when we left. I DID GET this awesome cook book from Karan! It's called The Pioneer Woman Cooks by Ree Drummond. Her story is so cool. She was a city girl and was about to take a corporate job in Chicago. She was home visiting her friends and went out one night and met this cowboy. They fell in love and got married and she moved to his cattle ranch in Oklahoma. The cookbook contains all of her recipes that she cooks for her 4 kids and the cowboys who work on the ranch with her husband. She calls herself an accidental country girl. The recipes are SOOOO yummy!

It rained so much that we came to a baracade on the way to Collierville. We thought we might be stuck for a minute, but when the Mustang that was in front of us drove through the water, we knew we would make it in my Yukon. Christmas with the Gilberts was fun! That was the first time we had all been together since 2006. It was really nice. It was the 6 of us and our doggies! I got some Muck Boots for dog training! I LOVE them. They are so warm and easy to clean when I get dirty. I also got several gift cards to JCrew, Starbucks, Panera Bread- delicious and several things to carry cakes and cupcakes in to travel and a HUGE over night bag that I love. Matt got a waffle maker from Lauren. We've made them twice and they are so yummy. It is a batter from The Fresh Market. Our dogs loved being there and being able to play with all of their puppy cousins and brothers and sisters. Mom also took me shopping the day after Christmas at JCrew- they had an extra 30% off sale prices and it was fabulous! I got some super cute stuff. She's the best.
We came home and last week I slowly took down all of the Christmas decorations and cleaned the house up. It feels so empty now, which is strange because it felt so cluttered with all of the extra Christmas stuff hanging around everywhere! Lauren came for New Years Eve! We went out to Brave New Restaurant. It was allright. I wasn't super impressed. We came home early and got our favorite pie from Chips Barbeque. They are so delicious. We like the chocolate. We went to bed before midnight- my kind of New Year's Eve! We are also training for the Little Rock Marathon (we are doing the half) so we ran Saturday on the River Trail. I made a pot of beans and some cornbread, from my new cook book, and we just relaxed! It's been a great few weeks. I am going to have to adjust to a regular work week again!